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"Cinema is the most beautiful fraud in the world."

-Jean-Luc Godard 

Welcome to That Indie Dork, where we defy the clickbait culture of hasty reviews and embrace a deeper connection to cinema. In a world inundated with quick takes, we're embarking on a journey where film analysis takes a meta psychological spin, a la Sigmund Freud meets Roger Ebert. 


In our hallowed cinematic haven, each review is not just a critique; it's a nuanced reflection, a philosophical discourse on the profound impact of indie cinema, and a spirited celebration of art that stretches far beyond the confines of mere entertainment.


We're not just dissecting films; we're connecting with them, and we invite you to be a part of this authentic cinematic conversation. Because, let's face it, we're all the pretentious indie dorks who believe that every frame carries the weight of a thousand thoughts.


Catch ya when the credits role!





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